Friday, 29 April 2011

MAY DAY 2011

Revolution in the Middle East and Mahgreb – workers’ struggle around the globe


Fighting to end capitalism and its crisis, the Committee for a Workers’ International (CWI) sends warm May Day greetings to workers, youth and the oppressed around the globe.

CWI statement
May Day, the traditional day for celebrating the international struggle of the workers’ movement, this year takes place against the background of the revolutionary wave in the Middle East and Maghreb countries. This has shown the mighty strength of the working class starting to put its stamp on these developments. But also other countries, the US with the tremendous developments in Wisconsin and the mass movements for example in Greece and Portugal, show that the new wave of cutbacks is being met with growing resistance.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Egypt: Nasser and Arab nationalism

Lessons for today’s revolution

Millions of Egyptians have brought down the hated Mubarak. Now workers and youth are discussing what should follow. The ideas put forward by Nasser over 50 years ago are being re-examined. DAVID JOHNSON looks back to Nasser’s regime and the lessons that can be drawn for the revolution today. 


Kita telah melabuhkan tirai 2010. Kini cabaran dan dugaan di tahun baru iaitu 2011 akan kita hadapi dalam situasi yang semakin sukar. Perhatikan betul-betul, seawal tahun baru ini iaitu pada 4 Januari 2011 rakyat malaysia telah digemparkan lagi dengan pengumuman kenaikan harga petrol RON97, sebelum itu ketika penutupan tahun 2010 harga petrol RON95, harga gas masakan, harga minyak tanah dan beberapa barang keperluan lain termasuk harga gula dan tepung telah turut dinaikkan. Kerajaan tanpa segan silu dilihat semakin rakus menarik sedikit demi sedikit subsidi yang dinikmati oleh seluruh rakyat malaysia.

Persoalannya, mengapakah hal-hal seperti ini berlaku ?